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                                                                              "The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort,

                                                                                               but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy."
                                                                                                                                                                                                  --Martin Luther King Jr.

                                                                                                       Future As A Leader

                                                                                                                             by: Edwina Lawson

Old Cliché​

     The phrase, “life-long learner” has always struck me as one of the old cliché that prompts teachers to focus on tidbits of professional development sessions to say they adhere to the “rigors” of what is mandated in current curriculum.  Although you are constantly in the position to become a practitioner of new innovations in education, the real test of how influential what you have learned shows in how long it endures compared to what you already practice.  I needed a discipline that would provide me an opportunity to enhance my teaching pedagogy and create a balance between what I learn as a “life-long learner” and if I actually used what I claimed to have learned. 

     Technology integration in education provides me the opportunity to actually say what I am learning is new and innovating and not the same discipline of learning being represented with a new name.  Since the world around us is constantly being enhanced by technological advances, the opportunity to say you are a life-long learner is more feasible because the areas you are learning are uncharted or newly defined.  It opens the door for creativity in a new platform in the classroom and all around us.  It most importantly provides an opportunity for education to compete with the biggest contender education faces, the innovations in video gaming and mass media.  

My Ticket to Meaningful Life-long Learning​

​​     As technology changes so quickly, I know I will need to continue focusing on this and there won’t ever be a point where I can stop learning about emerging technologies for effective instructional integration.   My vision as a life-long learner rest on the premise teachers have to release their strong hold on being the dominant factor in the class room.  Technology provides an opportunity to open up new and exciting aspects of learning and the power to add stability and accessibility to current methods of instruction for teachers by presenting an easy way to use technologies to enhance current practices.  Students will have the ability to create their own learning opportunities and use technology to fulfill their interest while meeting the requirement of learning.  Students now possess the opportunity to become digital creators at an early age.  As a provision to further assist with immersing even younger children with the technology I believe there should be a pre-entry level design of instructions on ways to introduce technology to children before school age.  Giving a child the proper start on how to use technology will make the mechanic and education use of technology a rewarding experience.  I believe there should be a way to create technology habits that will be enhanced as the children goes through school  My experience with lower elementary students is their introduction to school related subjects is done many times in a  way it creates bad habits.  An example would be learning how to write their names in all capital letters. Good intentions, bad results. Since many household have opportunities to introduce technology to small children, there is a need to created instructions on how parents can assist. 

  As a life-long learner Educational Technology I promise to:

             Explore the use of new technology that will assist with differentiating instructions

             Create and implement lessons to include technology standards

             Focus on making learning active and student centered

             Collaborate with my colleagues to create a learning environment rich with technology

             Create an atmosphere where students can discovery learn using technology

             Incorporate technology to include family interactions 

             Prepare the student I teach to become 21st Century digital citizens and global learners and

             Continue to develop professionally in technology.

      It is my belief the proper use of technology is critical to strengthen the concept of creating life-long learners. Central to my current plan to develop professionally is to obtain employment in the area of instructional and then learn as much as I can about technology in the context of that position. I have several colleagues who ask questions when they hear something new and some who are uncomfortable with a directive to use a technology that sometimes may go ignored. I wanted be there to assist with changing the mindset of many teachers to believe the computer and technology are essential tools that will assist with learning and are more than a reward motivator.  Active participation, content sharing experience and critical thinking opportunities are all possible when teacher incorporate technology.  This is something that can be conveyed to teachers from a person who is there to assist them on a daily basis. I figure that I don’t need to know all the computer science behind a technology, I just need to know enough to be able to explain it clearly to others, that includes the entire school community especially the students.  


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